“For an European Charter for the unaccompanied migrant minors rights” After Brussels
On June 28 2017 the association Carretera Central has introduced at the European Parliament in Brussels, the project “For an European Charter for the rights of the unaccompanied migrant minors” been born along the runs of “Circomondo Festival”, devoted to the street children.
The meeting, introduced by the president Adriano Scarpelli and moderated by Luca Attanasio, it has seen the intervention of the MPEs Silvia Costa(promoter of the meeting, a particular thanks are due for the appointment and the support concretely shown), Elly Schlein, Cécile Kyenge and Patrician Toia. In representation of the of St. Gimignano, patron of the whole project, the Mayor Giacomo Bassi and the Cultural Councilor Culture Carolina Taddei were present. Also intervened the director Chiara Sambuchi with her documentary “Lost Children Thousands Minors Missing”, National Walter Massadi Arci, Pietro Venèe Davide Arca of the Italian Church Valdese.
Were also present for Carretera Central Organization Fausto Bertoncini, Fulvio Scarpelli and Anna Taverna together with Kimete Hasimaj and Ilaria Colò, everyone acting on coordinating staff of the project.
It is important to remember that besides Carretera Central, coordinator of the project, promoting partner and founders of the idea are also: Diaconia Valdese Florentine, ASGI, ARCI, Weekly Left, CNCA, Consortium Nova, On The Road Onlus, Lavafilm.com, IlSalto-ilsalto.net, Betadue coop.social. All entities engaged in substance for the unaccompanied migrant minors rights.
During the initiative they have brought besides their own testimony, besides Leonardo Cavaliere (http://minoristranierinonaccompagnati.blogspot.it/), Children’s Matteo Mennini + Rights, Carmine Cerrone of Virtus Italy Onlus, Diletta Mauri of Agevolando, Ahsan Shabbir EhsaniAlenJerrehJaiteh Ledio Cullhaj, Malick Samba, ex unaccompanied migrant minors that today live in Italy and with their presence have testified the path that brought them in our country. The wish is that these and others become part of this project.
After having illustrated all the way along until here are been underlined the next stages of the project:
- creation of an European net formed by the subjects that have already stuck or that they will stick along the path (ONG, local corporate body, Parliamentary National and MPEs….);
- organization of an international seminar to hold in San Gimignano in next autumn with the share of experts of the sector, public and operating administrators on the field with the objective to elaborate and to dismiss the basic text of the definitive European Charter to propose to the European Institutions;
- throwing of a political and cultural campaign in Italy and in the Countries members UE in support of the Charter, for the promotion of the rights of the migrant minors with the purpose to oppose the xenophobic and racist culture that alarmingly and more and more frequently occur.
The mayor of San Gimignano in his discourse he has thanked “all those people who have worked to the construction of the Charter and its presentation in the European Parliament. A special thank for Carretera Central and the Honorable Silvia Costa: the two pillars of this experience. It was been an incredible emotions to hear in the temple of the continental democracy the name of San Gimignano associated to a big ethical theme such as that the Charter faces. San Gimignano a world heritage site wanted to deal with that Humanity, above all that poorer and disinherited.”
The president of the ONG Carretera Central he said he was honored to have launched in collaboration with his partners the path of the “Paper” and to be its coordinators, in the spirit of the Festival “Circomondo” devoted to the street children, he also has underline that are at stake the very values of European democracy and the reason to exist to the European Union, this is the reason for which he will work to build a cultural consent around the initiative departing from the lower part, involving City, local corporate body and organizations of the civil society, to all the levels, in practice we are to the beginning of an exciting and rich run of ideas and contributions. We are only in the beginning of an exciting and rich way of ideas and contributions.
The founders partners of the “Paper of San Gimignano” have undersigned a protocol of appointments, that accompanies since the birth and now it will be opened to those people whom will want “to sustain” the idea that everybody together has put in field.
It attends an important period in ideas and inclusive proposals, that we will be collecting all together thin to reach the definitive text of the “Paper of San Gimignano” and to the throwing of the European country.
Next step in San Gimignano, Italy, Autumn 2017.